The difference between xenon lamp aging and UV aging in photoaging
Weather and sunlight exposure are the main causes of damage to coatings, plastics, inks and other polymeric materials, including loss of gloss, fading, yellowing, cracking, peeling, embrittlement, loss of strength and delamination, even indoors. Light and sunlight transmitted through glass windows can also degrade some materials, such as causing pigments, dyes, etc. to fade or discolor.
What is the purpose of the photoaging test?
The results of the material's weatherability are obtained through accelerated tests that simulate the effects of long-term exposure to light.
What is a Xenon lamp ?
Xenon-filled photocells or flashlights. Its spectral energy distribution is similar to that of ultraviolet and visible light in sunlight.
What is a fluorescent UV lamp?
Fluorescent lamps that emit at least 80% of the total output light energy of ultraviolet light below 400 nm.

What is the difference between UV and Xenon testing?
The UV test mainly considers the influence of ultraviolet light on the product, and its wavelength range is 300~400nm; the xenon lamp test not only considers the influence of ultraviolet light, but also considers the influence of visible light, and its wavelength range is 300~800nm.
What are the types of UV lamps?
There are two types of UV lamps: UVA-340, UVB-313
What are the different uses of different types of UV lamps?
UVA-340: Simulates the ultraviolet part of sunlight, mainly used for cardio-aging test of outdoor products.
UVB-313: Widely used for fast, cost-effective testing of durable materials that will accelerate material aging.
UVA-351: Used to simulate the UV portion of sunlight passing through window glass, mainly used indoors.
What does a complete UV test condition include?
Tube type
Irradiation (irradiation)
Non-lighting type (condensation and spray)
Illuminated and non-illuminated temperatures
Light and non-light time
Total test time or number of test cycles.
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2022-02-15 11:20