Impact test chamber for which areas?
With the rapid development of modern industrial technology, electrical and electronic products are increasingly broad areas of application, the environmental conditions undergone by the more complex and diverse. Only a reasonable provision of the product's environmental conditions, the correct choice of environmental protection measures to ensure that the product in storage and transportation from damage, safe and reliable in the process of use. Therefore, electrical and electronic products for artificial simulation of environmental testing is an important part of ensuring its high quality. Artificial simulation of environmental testing is a scientific overview of the impact of the actual environment, with typical, standardized, easy to use, easy to compare and other characteristics. The diversity of environmental conditions and the importance of environmental testing also put forward more stringent requirements for environmental testing equipment.
The damage to products and materials caused by natural rainfall causes incalculable economic losses every year. The damage caused mainly includes corrosion, fading, deformation, loss of strength, expansion, mold, etc., especially electrical products due to rainwater caused by short circuit and very easy to cause a fire. Therefore, for a specific product or material shell protection water test is a key procedure.
This product is widely used in lamps and lanterns, electrical and electronic, automotive, motorcycle, home appliances, electromechanical and instrumentation industries.
Impact test chamber equipment can be used to assess and determine the electrical, electronic and automotive parts shell and seals after the water test or during the test to ensure good working performance of equipment and components.
1, GB/T 28046.4-2011 (ISO 16750-4: 2006): Road vehicles Environmental conditions and tests for electrical and electronic equipment Part 4 Climate load;
2、VW 80000:2013 LV124 Electrical and electronic components for vehicles under 3.5 tons Test items, test conditions and test requirements.
3, General Global Engineering Standard GMW3172 Environmental/Durability and other standards for electronic/electrical components
Impact test chamber can provide the corresponding environmental simulation and acceleration test for scientific research, product development and quality control.
2022-11-03 10:08