What are the evaluation criteria for the leather rubbing color fastness tester?
The leather rubbing color fastness tester is a machine used to evaluate the color fastness of leather materials against rubbing. The evaluation criteria for this tester depend on the standard being used. Some of the commonly used standards for evaluating leather rubbing color fastness include ISO 11640, ASTM D7255, and AATCC Test Method 8.
The evaluation criteria for the leather rubbing color fastness tester typically include the following:
1. The number of rubbing cycles: This refers to the number of times the rubbing head moves back and forth over the leather sample. The standard being used will specify the number of cycles required for the particular test.
2. The amount of color transfer: This refers to the amount of color that is transferred from the leather sample to the rubbing head or vice versa. The standard will typically specify a rating scale for the amount of color transfer, ranging from 1 (no color transfer) to 5 (severe color transfer).
3. The appearance of the leather sample: This refers to the changes in appearance of the leather sample after the rubbing test. The standard will typically specify a rating scale for the appearance of the sample, ranging from 1 (no change in appearance) to 5 (severe damage to the leather).
4. The color change of the leather sample: This refers to the change in color of the leather sample after the rubbing test. The standard will typically specify a rating scale for the color change, ranging from 1 (no color change) to 5 (severe color change).
5. The overall rating: This refers to an overall rating of the color fastness of the leather sample against rubbing, based on the above criteria. The standard will typically specify a rating scale for the overall rating, ranging from 1 (excellent color fastness) to 5 (poor color fastness).
The specific evaluation criteria and rating scales will vary depending on the standard being used, and it is important to carefully follow the instructions and procedures outlined in the standard to ensure accurate and consistent results.
2023-08-01 15:01