Which textile tensile testing machine manufacturer is more reliable?
Textile tensile testing machines are used to measure the strength and elongation of fabrics and other textile materials. They are used to measure the breaking force, tear resistance and adhesion of fabrics. This type of testing machine also measures the coefficient of friction of fabrics and the coil strength of yarns.
What does a fabric tensile properties test experiment consist of?
The fabric tensile properties test experiment report should include physical property indicators of the fabric, such as tensile strength, elongation at break and tensile modulus; details of the test sample size and material, as well as the process parameters of the tensile experiment, such as stretching speed and stretching distance. Finally, the test report should summarise the test results and give an evaluation and recommendations on the tensile properties of the fabric, taking into account the actual use scenario.
A very popular manufacturer of textile tensile testing machines on the market today is QINSUN Instruments, which offers the most advanced technology and also provides a reliable service. There are also a number of other textile tensile testing machine manufacturers such as Ames, Gardner, Mecmesin, etc., which also offer reliable products and services.
2023-03-02 10:44